Prejudices are premature or imprecise judgments that are formulated superficially as they are not based on in-depth knowledge and therefore lead to adopting incorrect attitudes when we establish social relationships.
We often encounter differences between prejudices and stereotypes, because stereotypes, unlike prejudices, are gross simplifications and severe representations of the reality with which we interact. They also have a defensive function as they serve to protect the social organization from unwanted changes.
At the same time we also ask ourselves how our prejudices are formed, I can tell you that it arises from the common way of approaching reality, it is part of common sense which in turn is that form of thought and reasoning that belongs to a culture and changes its way of seeing things unconsciously.
The really important thing is not only to be able to identify the prejudice but also to break it down, but to do so it is necessary to question one’s ideas, evaluating one’s prejudices because first of all it is important to understand what prejudice one has. After that, be able to recognize the consequences that derive from prejudice such as loss of self-esteem and isolation. Another method to break down prejudice is to meet individuals belonging to groups different from ours. It will thus be discovered that many prejudices were wrong.
In our everyday lives we are also prone to encountering the prejudices of others and the really important thing to do if you are a victim of prejudice is not to retreat but talk about it with someone, be it parents, friends or your doctor. What is said today may only be a memory tomorrow if approached with the right strategies, we must not give weight to everything they tell us and use our critical sense.
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